Family Feud Canada

After the pandemic, I decided to leave my position at Sid Lee in content marketing to try something new in my career. I had a strong interest in working in film, television or commercial production and in 2019 I began working on the CBC program Family Feud Canada as a Question Producer & Writer.

Question Writing

Each week I was tasked with writing 100 possible Family Feud questions with 4 possible answers for each. I would receive feedback on these questions and edit accordingly, as well as cross-reference to a library of previously written questions on all formats of Family Feud to ensure there were no duplicates.

If a question was selected, it would then be sent to polling where it would be given to 100 random Canadians to answer. When polling results would return, if the question received enough answers to group into a possible game board, it would then move to testing.

The question would then be tested in a group to ensure the question was playable and fun.

If the question passed these three important steps, it would then be placed into a game and played on television.

(Like the question I wrote in the video on the right!)

Question Producing

I was also responsible for producing a select number of question boards each week for potential play,

After receiving polling results, it was our job to sort through the results, grouping possible answers and creating a fun and playable games for our contestants.

This would let us see if polling worked out how we intended and weed out any questions that did not work.

Question Testing

Each week we also were given the task to test five full games of Family Feud. We would organize ZOOM meetings with friends, family and/or CBC employees to test out our questions and see if they were fun and playable.

We would mark how many of the answers the group would answer correctly as well as log the incorrect answers they gave. We would also make notes if the questions made them laugh, if they enjoyed it or if there was any confusion.

If the games played well, they had the potential to be played on the show.


Kinda Funny


Sid Lee